NEW LEXINGTON, Ohio – A local science teacher was recently recognized by the Center of Science and Industry (COSI) as one of its five STEM Stars for 2023. Jeff Baker is a science teacher at the ALPHA School in Perry County. He received the award during COSI’s Science Festival held in Columbus. Perry County Juvenile Court Judge Luann Cooperrider nominated Baker for the award.
The COSI STEM Star initiative honors ordinary people doing extraordinary STEM work. The recognized individuals, like Baker, showcase exemplary work by leveraging the power of science to improve the quality of life for us all, in central Ohio and beyond, COSI said.
The award recognition from COSI read in part, “Jeff Baker is a science teacher that goes the extra mile to impact kids that need a second chance … Jeff works directly with children from the juvenile detention system to engage youth in STEM while inspiring and mentoring them as they face challenges around life.” COSI also noted Baker’s work in helping the school earn the Wild School Site honor from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. The program gives his students better access to science and nature.
The ALPHA School Program is sponsored by Perry County Juvenile Court and is administered by the Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center. The program helps school districts’ adjudicated students get back on the right track by helping them with credit recovery, behavioral issues, and social-emotional well-being.