Employment Opportunities


Employment Opportunities for Social Workers (LSW, LISW), School Counselors (LSC), and School-based Mental Health Counselors (LPC, LPCC)

School districts and mental health agencies in Belmont, Guernsey, Harrison, Morgan, Muskingum, Noble and Tuscarawas counties are invited to participate in a School-Based Mental Health Services Grant funded by the Department of Education and awarded to the Ohio Department of Education. The grant is focused on enhancing mental health services available to children and adolescents and is managed by the Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center (MVESC).

Social workers, school counselors and school-based mental health counselors and interns are welcome to be part of the grant.

  • A partial listing of open positions may be found below. Apply today!
  • Employers are invited to share job openings in the seven counties (see below for contact information).
  • Mental health counselors and social workers placed in schools through agencies can earn up to $6,000 in hiring and retention bonuses over a three-year period.
  • School districts can obtain a $40,000 salary offset for the fiscal year of hire of school counselors and school social workers licensed by ODE.
  • Interns (Social Work, School Counseling, and Clinical Mental Health Counseling) are eligible to earn $10,000 during internships in the seven counties.
  • Current university partners are Ohio University and Malone University. Contact Scott Eldredge, scott.elderedge@sstregion12.org if you’d like to learn more about paid internships in social work and counseling.

All positions play a critical role in the lives of school-aged children, ensuring students have the support they need to succeed. The positions have a Whole Child focus https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Student-Supports/Ohios-Whole-Child-Framework

Below is a list of school districts and the current openings for either social workers or school-based mental health counselors. Each job posting includes a link to the school district’s website and contact information. If you have questions about a job listed here, use the school division contact information to get in touch. MVESC does not have additional information about these jobs. For school districts that would like to post positions, contact Stephen Michel for more information.

Position Openings 2022-2023

District/Agency Position School District(s) Served Contract Duration Contact Information
The Village Network Clinical Therapist Tuscarawas Valley / Claymont 2022-2023 bnidy@thevillagenetwork.com or 740-922-2144
The Village Network Clinical Therapist Uhrichsville Location Full-Time Employee Website: https://www.paycomonline.net/v4/ats/web.php/jobs/ViewJobDetails?job=99358&clientkey=6507A903757521B205DB62777387BD02
Springvale Health Centers School-based Therapist New Philadelphia / Dover / Garaway Full-Time Employee Jim Feicht, MSW, LISW-S jfeicht@springvalehealth.org
Ohio Guidestone Multiple Positions: School-based Social Workers / Counselors Various School Districts in Tuscarawas County 10 Months Website: www.ohioguidestone.org










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