Key Personnel in Regional Driver Education Program Honored

ZANESVILLE, Ohio – Dr. Richard Hall and Homer Weekley were honored November 13, 2023, with the Torch Award from the Ohio Educational Service Center Association (OESCA). The Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center (MVESC) nominated Hall and Weekley for the honor based on the instrumental roles they played in creating a school-based driver education program that serves districts throughout Ohio. Both MVESC and Ohio Valley Educational Service Center (OVESC) collaborated to create and launch the program throughout Ohio.

OESCA’s Torch Award is presented to individuals or organizations who have rendered outstanding service or made significant contributions to OESCA and ESCs as a whole. The award was presented in Columbus during the Ohio School Boards Association Capitol Conference.

Dr. Hall is a former teacher, coach, principal, superintendent and now serves as Executive Director of Operations and Special Projects for Ohio Valley Educational Service Center. Weekley is a former teacher, coach, athletic director, and principal who now serves as Driver Education Supervisor for MVESC.

MVESC’s nomination read in part, “Their work has brought driver education back into schools, resulting in a top quality program that ensures students get the best training possible. Their work in the field of driver education has focused on workforce development and the direct connection between a driver’s license and a career. The partnerships created provided a platform for collaborative teamwork among Ohio ESCs and school districts.”

MVESC Superintendent Lori Snyder-Lowe noted that without Hall and Weekley’s numerous contributions, the statewide driver’s education program would not be possible. “These two individuals have dedicated countless hours to serving the needs of districts across Ohio to ensure students have access to a high quality driver training program that will help students reach their goals.” Lowe added.

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