MVESC Calendar of Events

MORGAN-Science of Reading

Morgan Room 205 North 7th Street, Zanesville, OH

Keith McCarroll from SST 16 presenting Science of Reading.


MUSK – Challenging Behaviors: EXPECT SUCCESS1 – Day 1

Muskingum Room

Behavioral challenges occur on a continuum and include those that prevent a student from participating in educational opportunities, limit social interaction or interfere with academic progress. These sessions will be facilitated by Adam Copeland and Meredith Walker.

Virtual-Catch my Breath Vaping Training


Join Leslie Charles and Adam Copeland as they present the Catch my Breath Vaping Training. This training will be through Zoom and will cost $50.00 per district.


Morgan-Dyslexia Support In-Service

Morgan Room 205 North 7th Street, Zanesville, OH

This In-service will focus on reviewing Ohio Department of Education's Dyslexia Law and Requirements (House Bill 436) for school districts for the 2022-2023 school year.
